Combating gender stereotypes by highlighting women’s contribution to the history of societies


We want to reshape the historical narrative by spotlighting women’s significant contributions throughout history, addressing the prevalent male-dominated perspective.

— HerStory Consortium

Findings through the desk research and through the Focus Groups’ analysis shows that there is a gap in the gender-based knowledge in history

— Focus groups in Cyprus

The stakeholders emphasize the importance of giving voice: narrating, telling stories, and actively involving the new generations

— Focus groups in Italy

  • HerStory promo video

    HerStory promo video

    Priznavanje dosežkov žensk v različnih vidikih življenja močno vpliva na negovanje samospoštovanja in odpira nove priložnosti za dekleta in mlade ženske. Na transnacionalnem srečanju v Atenah so partnerji izkoristili priložnost in posneli kratke videe. Ti videoposnetki predstavljajo izjave vsakega partnerja o projektu HerStory, njegov cilj in pomen pa je izpostaviti odtis žensk v zgodovini in…


The project’s aims

  • Tackling gender stereotypes on social media, focusing on stereotypes that influence young people’s career choices.
  • Increasing awareness of existing online mechanisms that reinforce gender stereotypes and are related to professional life and career opportunities.
  • Promoting a different way of communicating/representing gender roles in employment/career opportunities on social media.